Necmettin Erbakan University Social Impact Lighthouse

NESEF, named after Nejat Uygur's line “nesef alamıyorum (I can't breathe)”, is a modified way of saying the word “breath”. Just like Mr. Uygur, we mean “breath”. Breathing, take a rest... Social activities at the university are the students' spaces to take a break and breathe. There is a huge social life in our university, which is outside the academic life and where learning continues. Social events constitute an area where you truly become a university student, discover your own talents, and gain a culture of working together. As you participate in club activities and social events, you will earn points and when you complete your education, you will find your performance measurement in the social activity diploma. A social activity diploma will be an important reference for you, especially in postgraduate student admissions at universities abroad and in international companies. Because the invitations you will receive from international education institutions and the acceptance of job applications to international companies are indexed to the success of your social report cards.
The concept of 4th Generation University and the changing perception of universities have revealed the importance of not being content with purely educational practices. It is necessary to organize activities that will take into account the socialization practices of the students who will be equipped with the competencies of the 21st century. Necmettin Erbakan University is implementing the Social Activity Lantern project, which shows the sociability of students. Social Activity Lantern is a new approach that will enable students to participate in various activities such as concerts, festivals, exhibitions, theaters, cinemas, conferences, and thus direct their sociality to the right channel. Social Activity Lantern (NESEF) was designed as a system that aims to increase students' participation in social activities and displays their future sociability. The activities that students participate in will be a light for students and will broaden and socialize their horizons. Students will record each social activity they participate in the system day by day and accumulate the activity points they participate in. They will then be able to use these balances in the university cafeteria. A theater group opened under the name of NESEF will also be included in the process in order to reach and explain social activities to more people. NESEF will be enough for everyone.
NESEF operates within our mobile application NEUREYON. You can download our NEUREYON application to review.